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Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
The purpose of the Learning Continuity and Attendance plan is to describe how the district will address the impacts of COVID-19 and maintain continuity of student learning in the coming year. The final document will include the district’s plans for:
- Providing distance learning and, when public health conditions allow, in-person instruction
- Measuring student progress and participation and address learning loss
- Providing supports for English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, Students with Unique Needs, and Low-income students
- Ensuring access to devices and connectivity
- Providing resources and supports to address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being
- Student and family engagement and outreach to reengage students who are absent, unengaged, or at risk of learning loss
- Providing school meals for students during distance learning and in-person instruction
- Increasing/improving services for English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, and Low-Income students
Click here to view the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan