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Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

The purpose of the Learning Continuity and Attendance plan is to describe how the district will address the impacts of COVID-19 and maintain continuity of student learning in the coming year.  The final document will include the district’s plans for:
  • Providing distance learning and, when public health conditions allow, in-person instruction
  • Measuring student progress and participation and address learning loss
  • Providing supports for English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, Students with Unique Needs, and Low-income students
  • Ensuring access to devices and connectivity
  • Providing resources and supports to address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being
  • Student and family engagement and outreach to reengage students who are absent, unengaged, or at risk of learning loss
  • Providing school meals for students during distance learning and in-person instruction
  • Increasing/improving services for English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, and Low-Income students
The WUSD Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan was presented at a public hearing on September 2, 2020. The WUSD School Board approved the plan at the September 10, 2020 regular Board meeting. 

Click here to view the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan