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2015-18 LCAP
Below is a link to the Williams Unified School District 2015-18 LCAP document submitted for approval at the June 18, 2015 Regular Board Meeting as well as the August 31, 2015 County Approved Plan.
Any public input regarding the drafted plan can be emailed to: wusdlcap@williams.k12.ca.us or submitted at any of our school site offices using the following form: LCAP Public Input Form
WUSD - LCAP 2015-18 -English (Board Approved June 18, 2015)
WUSD - LCAP 2015-18 -Spanish (Mesa directiva aprobo 18 de junio 2015)
WUSD - LCAP 2015-18 -English (County Approved August 31, 2015)
WUSD - LCAP 2015-18 -Spanish (condado aprobo 31 de agusto 2015)
Any public input regarding the drafted plan can be emailed to: wusdlcap@williams.k12.ca.us or submitted at any of our school site offices using the following form: LCAP Public Input Form
WUSD - LCAP 2015-18 -English (Board Approved June 18, 2015)
WUSD - LCAP 2015-18 -Spanish (Mesa directiva aprobo 18 de junio 2015)
WUSD - LCAP 2015-18 -English (County Approved August 31, 2015)
WUSD - LCAP 2015-18 -Spanish (condado aprobo 31 de agusto 2015)